A yellow book titled "The Capricorn Season Survival Handbook Expert Advice for Extreme Situations" lies on a bright blue background.

Capricorn Season: A Survival Guide

Queue's watchlist to get you through the end of this year and into the new one.

22 December 20217 min read

Capricorn season is upon us; its time to close out 2021 and ground ourselves for whatever 2022 throws our way. Much like the sign’s symbol, the sea goat (a half goat, half fish creature), this season can be elusive and tricky for most signs. Known for being driven and realistic, with slow-to-trust and sensitive qualities, Capricorns implore us to buckle down, plan, and make the most of a much-needed boost to our intuition this month. If harnessing your inner sea goat seems intimidating, fear not. Read on for sign-specific tips to help you navigate Capricorn season, and recommendations for what to watch to soothe the universe’s energy. 


December 22 - January 19

Stand tall, shine bright, and be bold, Capricorn. It’s your season after all. Let others get to know the real you that’s thoughtful, protective, and always striving for the best. Seize the season and make the most of the stars in your alignment. Oh, and happy birthday!

A black rocketship with pointy wings and a pointy tail.


Sh*t is getting real on this planet in Adam McCay’s end-of-the-world satire with a star-studded ensemble cast.


January 20 – February 18

What do Capricorns and Aquarians have in common? Both are independent forces not easily distracted. Use this season to make a plan for personal growth and (most importantly) self care. Avoid your tendency to be analytical, and take a beat to enjoy your journey so far. Once you’ve exhaled a deep breath, plan your next solo adventure and commit to it!

A black croissant. Yum!


Parlez-vous français? Get inspired by Emily Cooper (Lily Collins) and learn a love language to help you in your upcoming journey.


February 19 – March 20

Pisces, this is the perfect month to celebrate your sometimes overly romantic tendencies and fully embrace your sensitive side. Reconnect with friends and family, but also prioritize tuning into your romantic relationship or finding a special connection. There are no boundaries around how deep your love runs, and that’s something to be admired. 

A black feather with a sharp tip.


Prepare yourself for your own courting season as we return to Regency England in the Shondaland hit. Who do you burn for?


March 21 – April 19

This season, Aries will be even more zealous than normal. Capricorn season brings out your driven and organized side, so remember to dream big throughout the month. No goal is out of your reach when the stars are aligned with your ambitious tendencies. 

A black piano.

RECOMMENDED VIEWING: tick, tick . . . BOOM! 

Take a note from Jonathan Larson’s legacy and pursue that long-delayed passion project. Can he make a mark if he gives up his spark?


April 20 – May 20

Now is not the moment for your next cross-country road trip; ’tis the season to stay inside, reflect on how far you’ve come, and have genuine appreciation for your self growth. Treat yourself to some downtime and finally watch every season of that show you’ve been putting off. You deserve it.

2 black playing cards: one with hearts, one with spades.


Live vicariously through the happenings of the Byrde family from the safety of your own home and catch up on the first three seasons in advance of the fourth and final season coming soon!


May 21 – June 20

As a Gemini, you’re naturally charismatic and able to deflect most situations with charm and humor. However, Capricorn season means you’ll need to be slightly more direct and face hurdles head on. It’s time to have those hard conversations you’ve been putting off. It’s like ripping off a Band-Aid, right?

A black flower with white lines through its heart.


Tackle those hard conversations with the same tenacity that Halston (Ewan McGregor) would approach a new dress design. “You don’t want to understand a dress, you want to love it.”


June 21 – July 22

Sweet, sensitive Cancer, there’s no hiding in your shell this season! The dawn of a new year is upon you, and it’s time to embrace your feelings so you can leave the past in the past. There’s energy flowing that will support you through your emotional journey, but it’s up to you to start. This season will have highs and lows, but all that matters is that you do what’s best for you! 

A black bed.


Spice it up with Gwyneth Paltrow and her gang of boundary breaking sex therapists and coaches in this electrifying series on reclaiming the dynamics in your own love life. 


July 23 – August 22

Leo, you’re a natural leader but this season you will find yourself hungry to learn from those around you. Capricorn energy will help you to be present in each moment and appreciate your social circle. You’re a loyal friend, and it’s a great season to listen and lift up those around you.

a black rope tied in an elaborate looking knot.


Remember those high school friendships? Get inspired by Maitreyi Ramakrishnan and her girl gang to reconnect with friends from the past.


August 23 – September 22

Over the next few weeks, expect your practical tendencies to be even more prevalent; like you, Capricorns are very pragmatic creatures. You always put others’ needs first and move through life with intention. Keep being you.

a black football with white stitching.

RECOMMENDED VIEWING: Colin in Black & White

Keep your head in the game — producer (and fellow Virgo) Ava DuVernay does.


September 23 – October 22

Libra, you love being you. This season, expect the Capricorn energy to enhance your artistic side. Why not take this time to try a new creative outlet? Arts and crafts? DJing? The world is your oyster and with the stars in your creative favor, let your talent shine! 

a black saddle with white stitching.

RECOMMENDED VIEWING: The Power of the Dog 

Take some inspiration from Jane Campion’s masterpiece and craft some gorgeous paper objects this season. 


October 23 – November 21

As a Scorpio, you are always striving for the best. This Capricorn season, expect this quality to get taken to the next level as the sea goat transfers some of its perfectionist energy. At times this trait can be exhausting, but don’t let that get to you. Try changing your perspective and let appreciation guide you instead of expectation. You’re doing great, sweetie! 

black boxing gloves with white lacing.


Put your metaphorical (or literal) boxing gloves on and become the champion in the ring of life with Halle Berry in her directorial debut. 


November 22 – December 21

Sagittarius, even though you are a neighboring sign to Capricorn, there are vast differences between you two. This season is going to test your free spirit and adventurous lifestyle. Don’t let what’s in the air affect who you know you are. You’ll be tempted to overthink at times this month, but don’t spiral into that tendancy. Break out of your own head and know that most of us just wish to be as free as you!

a black wig with a middle part.


Carol Baskin is back and can’t wait to catch up with all you cool cats and kittens!